Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Wicked Wednesday with Disney

Lately there are some pretty cool things happening with Disney. Between the work with Star Wars and Marvel, I've been waiting in anticipation as those sections become part of the bigger Disney establishment. (image: the drum)

I am a star wars fan, if nothing more for the ability that Jedi's don't need to be guys. There have been quite a few Jedi females portrayed in the genre. Well we finally have the female Jedi Master at the Disney Parks.

Disney Land resorts has it's first female Jedi Master at the Jedi Accademy named Karymis Mar-Klaar. Watch the video above. She's pretty darn awesome. (source: The Mary Sue)

Funko has announced a coming soon of a few classic and modern disney royalty. I have a household of Rapunzel fans and am very excited about the Pascal addition to her character. They also have the awesome horse (Maximus), Tiana and a variety of other classic characters. I am very excited for these and will be anxiously anticipating August when they arrive for purchase. See the rest of them here!

For all my skater friends (and non skater friends) there is a new collection of Disney apparel coming out from Vans. They have everything from shoes to bag, hats to socks. Everything you need for a major Disney fan. Check out the full collection here.

So those Disney-ites out there who need to have ALL the gear. Soon you will have a lot of options.

Until next time.
Keep on, Geekin' on.

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