Tuesday, August 2, 2016


This week my husband is on vacation so we are doing a bunch of renovations on the house. (image: Pirate Cove)

I know I totally blanked yesterday due to the holiday. Sometimes holidays totally mess up my time schedule. I am one of those people that really feel like the Holiday Monday is actually Sunday... so nothing but house stuff gets done.

I have to admit I was a total mess yesterday that there was really no time to get a post together at all. We have my Dad down this week so I have been busy re-tiling my bathroom. I have to admit I'm really stoked to use the shower without pliers and not have peeling tiles (the previous owners painted the bathroom tiles and they peeled REALLY BAD).

Look at my awesome husband working so hard at getting it done!!

The one thing this weekend is I'm not impressed with the latest Pokemon Update. Is it just me or are there a lot less pokemon??

My Pokemon Hunters
I took my Pokemon Hunters out for two hours (an hour in the morning and one in the afternoon). We went to one location and put down a lure. There we got a few hits but we went through quite a few balls. Then in the afternoon my and the oldest went for a long walk... and caught 1 pokemon. Seriously we were out for over an hour and only caught one pokemon. We were even in a park that had a few pokestops and a gym so you'd think it'd be populated.

Well, even though we didn't catch anything much we had fun.

Until next time.
Keep on, Geekin' on.

PS. My posts may be sporadic this week with all the reno's going on.

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