Friday, September 18, 2015

Best Things about Fall

Okay so recently my Friday's have been focused on Funko (because seriously, they are adorable) but I thought I should to something different this week. So today I'm going actually try a Friday Top 5 again. Sometimes I really like doing lists and top 5's, but other weeks I hate being limited to someone else's ideas on my own blog. I'm sure I'm not the only one. I like my content to remain someone original and if nothing else my own. So today lets talk about the best things about Fall (from a geeky perspective of course). (image: Pinterest)

When I was thinking of this Top 5 my first thoughts were about all the things Pumpkin, because seriously what is with all the pumpkin stuff everywhere. As much as I love Pumpkin I think it's a little nuts.

1) Halloween

 Are we surprised that one of the top things I'm excited for is Halloween being just around the corner?  I think this surprises none. What the best thing about the season turning into Fall in relation to Halloween is Fabric Shopping for Costumes. I love love love making my kids Halloween Costumes. Heck I just love Costumes in general which is part of my love of Cosplay lately (an excuse to dress up). There's nothing like getting an idea of an awesome costume in your head or from your kids then hunting fabric stores for the right patterns that you can manipulate to your needs and fabrics for your creations.

2) Trees/ Photography

I love Fall because there is a certain feeling in the air that doesn't come around in any other season. The trees start losing their leaves and the air is a little crisper. I love this mainly for photographing all the things. I love to photograph pumpkins and trees, but I mainly love the look of nighttime Fall Street looks. There's just a slight feeling of calm before the Creep lol.

3) Amp up for releases

With Fall we all know what is coming. The calm before the release storm for toys and games and systems... that comes with November. There's nothing like walking in the mall or a store and knowing that soon all the aisles will be filled with thing for Christmas. I like this time because (although some stores are ridiculously early with Christmas) you can bask in the dark and creepy before being inundated with Christmas Carols and Sparkles.

4) Movie Previews

I get excited for the Fall Preview schedule. September and October means that all new movies start getting Trailers and preview shows out. Soon you'll be able to start planning your winter movie watching around what big box office flick will be next and which of these movies will out rank all the others. (We all know this year that Star Wars will be hard to compete with).

5) TV Shows: Returning and New Ones

Source: Oregon Live
I'm planning getting my geek on over the next two weeks with new series that I'm excited about (Blindspot and Supergirl) and old favourites that will coming back (Once Upon a Time, to name a few). My PVR will be at full capacity in no time while I watch my life away for the next few weeks, trying to decide which of the new series coming out will have a ranking with my old favourites for schedules and time slots.

So, until next time.
Keep on, Geekin' on

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