Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Lets do some more lists

LISTS!!!!!!!! Lists!!!!!!!!!! LISTS!!!!!!! 

Where I got the pic:
So I decided I'd try and catch up on my 28 days of lists:

Day 1: Geeky Favourites

1) Cosplay (cause what adult doesn't want to dress up like superheros and run around in costume for a day... SERIOUSLY!)
2) Marvel, really I'm primarily and X-Men fan but I like all things marvel in general. Even the most awful of variations done into movies. 
3) I have a doll collection... some angels but mostly things that are a little strange... goth dolls, fairies, I'm particularly in love with Pullip and Monster High/ Everafter High dolls, things like that... also quite a few toys (Nightmare before christmas, Groot), and NO my girls are not allowed to play with them, they have their own dolls LOL. 
4) Laurell K Hamilton, my favouritest author in the world who I wish would come to Canada... but I digress. 
5) Anime... I'm partial to the cuter ones, like Soul Eater and Chobits... but I'm flexible and haven't had time to really get into them as much as I'd like. 
6) Anything Sci-Fi, and Fantasy related... who wouldn't want to fly through space on the back of a dragon fighting badguys with lazer swords... 

Day 2: Who Inspires me

1) Wil Wheaton... cause he's Wil Wheaton!
2) Jessica Nigri
3) Laurell K Hamilton: heck she actually learned knife fighting to write her books.
4) Kato
5) Anyone who pushes people to do what they love and screw what society thinks!

Day 3: Things I would tell my Teen Self

1) Marks don't matter as much as you think.
2) Don't worry about careers as much as learning new things you love.
3) Embrace the Geek... don't let anyone make you feel like it's not right to be geeky, everyone is geeky they just don't always show it. 
4) Don't put your stuff on hold for someone else to achieve what they want... YOU ARE IMPORTANT!
5) Don't limit yourself to a stigma... you can be good at art, math and anything else you want at the same time... Don't listen to those that say you can't be good at both!

There I think I caught myself up :)
Now to catch up on the Picture of the week challenge! WOOT!

Until Next Time

Doing Lists... for IGGPPC (starting on Day 4)

Oky so usually you start a Lists Challenge on Day 1 but I'm starting on 4 because I missed the first 3 days... if I get a chance I will post lists 1 to 3 at a later date!

Here is the list of Lists.... so for DAY 4 we have Geek girl powers:

1) The ability to love something cute and horrifying at the same time.
2) The ability to argue till I pass out about how much I dislike Halle Berry as Storm and feel the Iman should have played the character.
3) The power to let adaptations be adaptations without feeling like the whole world has crumbled.
4) Being a 33 year old woman with kids who can still wear and design costumes.

Here's a design of my current Cosplay I'm working on for Fan Expo Canada. There may be some things I may change in the actual costume versus the design, and I still haven't decided how I want to make the dwarf shrunken heads... so here's hoping it all comes together.

Until Next Time.